sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2024

A public policy proposal for evasion in Natural Science and Mathematics teaching degree courses

Abstract: Dropout  in Higher  Education is  a  worrying  phenomenon.Natural  Sciences  and  Mathematics teaching degree courses present alarming indicators.Therefore, this work aims to present a public policy proposal  that  contributes  to  reducing  dropout  rates  in  the  aforementioned  courses.The  theoretical foundation is based on three structuring axes: literature on evasion, Theory of Change (TOC) and Ishikawa Diagram.In methodological terms, itstartedfromtheDesign Science Research (DSR), andthefinal artifact is a structured and flexible diagram to support public management.Tools were used to develop the problem and structure the proposal.Using the methodological tools, a design was created to reduce dropout rates in Higher Education.The artifact was created and designed to be used by managers who can use them as a model of ideas for itsapplication, according to their local reality.

Keywords: Dropout. Theory of Change. Public policy.

Nunes, N. da S., Antonelli-Ponti, M., Pimentel, F. S. C., & Silva, A. P. da. (2024). Uma proposta de política pública para evasão nos cursos de Licenciatura de Ciência da Natureza e Matemática. Práxis Educativa, 19, 1–21.

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