quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2022

The interaction design role in the construction of a pedagogical model on e-learning using digital games

New paper published in: https://periodicos.ufpb.br/index.php/tematica/article/view/61867

Abstract: E-learning is progressively becoming a very common educational modality in the daily lives of many students in Brazil, either through its attributes, such as the use of forums, virtual environments and video calls, or through the educational model itself. Thinking about the student’s motivation and permanence on e-learning, Digital Games, Interaction Design and Pedagogical Models enter into the equation to add. The aim of this study is to identify in the literature what has been searched on the theme so in this way it is possible to have a macro view of the subject, besides understanding the elements that unite them. The article presents a  bibliographic  research  through  Interaction  Design,  Pedagogical  Models  on  E-learning, Digital  Games  and  it’s  elements.  The  main  findings  of  this  research  it’s  about  how Interaction  Design  and  Digital  Games  can  assist  the  teacher  and  researchers  in  the construction of Pedagogical Models for E-learning.

Keywords: Interaction Design. Pedagogical Model. E-learning. Digital Games.

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