sexta-feira, 28 de junho de 2019


New article published

Abstract: The culture of hybridism and multimodality is configured in the harmonious coexistence between different analog and digital technologies, with moments of interaction in physical and online physical spaces. This article deals with the pedagogical possibilities of the hybrid model of teaching and the use of multimodal spaces in educational contexts and how the literature on the subject presents the student in this context. This study uses bibliographic research as a methodology, through a process of immersion in existing knowledge and available on the theme to broaden horizons and inspire new studies, providing a framework of references. The work brings as main scientific contributions a significant theoretical bibliographical study regarding the personalization and decentralization of the learning spaces that are made possible by the use of technological hybridism and multimodality, highlighting concepts, characteristics and applicability and conceptions regarding the process and the cognitive path to learn from a social media context where the Digital Information and Communication Technologies allow a new configuration and designer of the educational space.

KEYWORDS: Teaching; Learning; Decentralization.


2 comentários:

Lorena disse...

Com certeza absoluta vou indica esse post para os alunos do colegio objetivo zona norte SP outra perspectiva!

Fernando SC Pimentel disse...

Qualquer dúvida, estamos a disposição.