Experience report on the use of the Google Classroom
in the undergraduate program in Journalism
Isis Nalba Albuquerque Cardoso, Cleide Jane de Sá Araújo Costa, Fernando Silvio Cavalcante Pimentel
Abstract: The paper describes the experience of using the Google Classroom platform as a
Virtual Learning Environment with students of the course of audiovisual production workshop,
offered in classes I (2018.2) and class II (2019.1), in the night shift of the undergraduate
program in Journalism at the Federal University of Alagoas. It is a descriptive qualitative study,
whose objectives were to deepen the knowledge about cinema and audiovisual media,
complement the face-to-face classes, and to optimize students ’time and interest in classes.
Contents focused on audiovisuals, with a focus on cinema and, in particular, productions made
in Alagoas, were worked on through videos, texts, quizzes, as well as face-to-face exhibitions
and debates. All posts and interactions in the virtual environment were evaluated individually
and continuously. The results showed that the use of the platform was effective and
contributed to the greater participation and interest of the students.
Keywords: Education. Google Classroom. Virtual learning environment. Journalism. Cinema.
Donwload: https://seer.ufrgs.br/InfEducTeoriaPratica/article/view/102215/61034