quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2015

Notícias da Cátedra Unesco para EAD

Evaluar el Social Learning! (Educación Disruptiva) | http://sco.lt/5jqipd

Learn Moodle by the Numbers Infographic - e-Learning Infographics |

12 plataformas online para crear tu blog/web #infografia #infographic |

Online Education and the Developing World Infographic | http://sco.lt/9BdxIX

5 FREE Tools For Instructional Designers | http://sco.lt/5xoLj7

How (and Why) To Use Student Blogs | http://sco.lt/5F6Fgv

Gamificación como fórmula para acabar con la desmotivación | http://sco.lt/7J7LM1

Fun and Free Summer Learning Resources | http://sco.lt/6jv5E1

segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2015

eLearning Africa News

http://vicinity.picsrv.net/1619/b9a3cc4d1673bafee4d50d5e41b4efa8/10940/icon_fb_off.png   http://vicinity.picsrv.net/1619/b9a3cc4d1673bafee4d50d5e41b4efa8/10942/icon_linkedin_off.png   http://vicinity.picsrv.net/1619/b9a3cc4d1673bafee4d50d5e41b4efa8/10946/icon_twitter_off.png   http://vicinity.picsrv.net/1619/b9a3cc4d1673bafee4d50d5e41b4efa8/10944/icon_rss_off.png   http://vicinity.picsrv.net/1619/b9a3cc4d1673bafee4d50d5e41b4efa8/10948/icon_youtube_off.png

eLearning Africa Newsletter – 12th edition – 18/05/2015The 10th edition of eLearning Africa starts on Wednesday, taking place in the city it all began: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Co-organised by the African Union and hosted by the Government of Ethiopia, the event is expected to attract over 1,200 participants from across Africa and the rest of the world for a unique opportunity to discuss and debate Africa’s progress in education, and the role of ICT for development, learning and training.

In this edition of the eLearning Africa Newsletter, find out more about the inspiring keynote speakers, specialised sessions and, of course, the latest news and opinions from across the continent.

University degrees or vocational qualifications: Which side are you on?
This year the eLearning Africa plenary debate will tackle an important issue for the whole of Africa, as countries look for ways to alleviate youth unemployment and address critical skills shortages.

On Friday evening, May 22, four education experts will debate the motion that: ‘This House believes that Africa needs vocational training more than academic education’.

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Keynote speaker Eleni Gabre‐Madhin’s next big ideas
“Innovation is in our DNA,” Ethiopian business woman Eleni Gabre‐Madhin told African Business Magazine when asked about her company eleni LLC’s ambitious plans to create “big, bold, beautiful” markets that will improve the livelihoods of millions of small farmers and traders throughout Africa.
Responsible for the development of the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange (ECX), which revolutionised Ethiopia’s commodity market, find out why eLearning Africa 2015 keynote speaker Gabre‐Madhin is a globally recognised thought leader on agricultural commodity markets and African development here.

Harnessing the entrepreneurial creativity of Africa’s youth
What skills do young people need to improve employability? How can we ensure youth are equipped with the right capacities and expertise to drive Africa’s economy in the future?

These are just some of the questions that will be discussed in a series of ‘Youth in Action’ sessions at eLearning Africa 2015.

Find out more

‘Don’t overthink, just do it!’: Top 10 tips from Africa’s tech entrepreneurs
How can a budding startup culture be nurtured? What are the barriers holding back entrepreneurs? How can edTech, one of Africa’s most innovative and important industries, lead the way?

To help answer these questions, eLearning Africa arranged a Twitter Chat with four of the continent’s leading edTech entrepreneurs. Find out their top 10 tips here.

 Winners of the Through Your Lens Photo competition announced today
http://vicinity.picsrv.net/1619/b9a3cc4d1673bafee4d50d5e41b4efa8/18528/Wallace Mawire.jpg
How have ICTs changed the way Africans live, learn and share information? Find out about this year's eLearning Africa Through Your Lens Photo Competition winners here

The organisation spearheading Egypt’s ICT growth
Across Africa, governmental action to spearhead expansion in ICT sectors is becoming increasingly common.

Once the domain of entrepreneurs and IT multinationals, governments are increasingly taking a leading role, recognising ICT's huge potential for driving development.

Egypt is one of the regional, and indeed continental, leaders in this department. Find out how this has shaped Egypt into being an 'ICT pioneer'.

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Strengthening linkages in the ICT ecosystem in Africa
For any society to reach a reasonable level of sustainable development, a carefully planned integration of technologies would be required.

To achieve this level of technological advancement, Africa needs to create innovative processes not only in the acquisition or development of new technologies, but also in the diffusion, so that it eventually finds social and economic application throughout the system.

Find out more from Foster Ofosu, Capacity Development Specialist at the African Development Bank Group.

Higher Education back on the development agenda
The Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank are attracting thousands to Washington, DC, this year, an unusually large number.

This year is particularly important for international development because it ushers in the United Nations’ new ‘Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2030)’ as the ‘Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015)’ come to an end.

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quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2015

Momento histórico para o Grupo de Pesquisa das TIC da Ufal

O 6º Seminário Nacional do EDaPECI, realizado de 11 a 13 de maio, nas dependências da Ufal, foi brilhantemente encerrado pela conferência da Profa. Dra. Maria Lúcia Santaella Braga (PUC/SP).

Ao final, pesquisadores que integram o Grupo de Pesquisa Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação na Formação de Professores Presencial e Online se reuniram com a conferencista para uma foto histórica.

Da esquerda para a direita: Profa. Dra. Lúcia Santaella, Profa. Dra. Anamelea Pinto (Ufal), Profa. Dra. Neide Sobral (UFS), Profa. Dra. Cleide Jane Costa (Ufal), Prof. Dr. Fábio Paraguaçu (IC-Ufal), Profa. Dra. Deise Francisco (Ufal), Prof. Dr. Luís Paulo Mercado (Ufal), Prof. Dr. Fernando Pimentel (Ufal) e Profa. Dra. Maria Aparecida Viana (Ufal).

Noticias desde la CUED del día 14/05/2015

Why So Many MOOC Videos Are Utterly Forgettable | http://sco.lt/8nIxDl

Aprendizaje colaborativo online: ¿es efectivo o no? | http://sco.lt/8CyIZV

40 herramientas para aplicar la metodología flipped classroom en el aula [Infografía]

How eLearning Courses Can Simplify Learning | http://sco.lt/5ZbK4H

Web-Based Authoring Tools for Scalable eLearning Development: The Time Has Come | Web
... | http://sco.lt/4jsCf3

Curso de Gestão Escolar online e gratuito | http://sco.lt/8zcr5N

Recomendaciones para una navegación segura | http://sco.lt/4tD2bx

edX to build new mobile learning experience - eCampus News | http://sco.lt/6FnVNB

2015’s Top Education Technology Trends | Edudemic | http://sco.lt/8f6Vn7

The digital native problem - e-Learning Feeds | http://sco.lt/7jPXbV

How eLearning Courses Can Simplify Learning - eLearning Industry |

Interview with Brandon Carson - eLearning Interviews Magazine | http://sco.lt/8I2sWP